Beer association proposed rules in hope for bar reopening in capital


The Craft Beer Association (CBA) has proposed new set of rules in the hope that bars in Bangkok bars could be allowed to reopen after more than a month of closure due to the sudden spike of Covid cases in and near the capital.

The rules include limiting two drinks per customer, limiting sitting time to 90 minutes, and banning dancing and toasts. The association says it has come up with the rules on behalf of craft beer venues adding that, while the rules might not include cocktail bars and other pubs, they could serve as an outline for those businesses alike to come up with their own rules.

Last week, representatives from bars and breweries in the capital gathered outside the health ministry, emptying kegs of spoiled beer down the drain. The measure was aimed at the financial fallout from the bar closures and the ban on alcohol sales in Bangkok’s restaurants.

Association spokesman Artid Sivahansaphan says the new rules have been drawn up hoping that bars might be allowed to reopen soon.

“We felt the need to come together and form this association in order to represent ourselves, our ideals, and our hopes and dreams for elevating the drinking culture here in Thailand. Instead we’ve been faced with court summons. We felt it was our duty to assist and help guide protocols in hopes that this would allow craft beer bars to re-open again soon.”

Source: The Thaiger
