Dentists and Specialist Clinics in Hua Hin

Hua Hin Dentists and Specialist Clinics

Hua Hin has a number of establishments to satisfy your needs whether you are looking for dental care, skin treatment, cosmetic surgery or an eye examination.

For many medical ailments it?s quite common to visit a hospital for appraisal, but there are also smaller surgeries and clinics which can deal with a vast range of medical problems.

Hua Hin also has several specialist skin treatment centres which cater to health and cosmetic issues. Some of them are mainly for locals. But several of them also provide treatment services to Hua Hin expats and tourists.


Hua Hin has several dental clinics that provide full range of dental operations at a price range substantially lower than in Western countries.

Dental clinics in Hua Hin have increased in number and can now provide comprehensive dental services of just about everything you need. You can promptly go to one of the several clinics in Hua Hin for a dental treatment. Prices of dental treatment and services in Hua Hin is much low in cost as compared to the metropolis area of Bangkok.

Health Information for Hua Hin

Hospitals in Hua Hin

There are a number of medical centers around Hua Hin as the town has become a popular tourist destination and the number of expats.... read more

Hua Hin Hospital

This is the main public hospital in Hua Hin. It can get utterly busy, but is certainly a good option for common health care.... read more

Bangkok Hospital in Hua Hin

Bangkok Hospital, the new hospital in Hua Hin is a great boost to the standard of overall health care in the town. .. read more

San Paolo Hospital in Hua Hin

San Paulo Hua-Hin Hospital, is a 60-bed private hospital, fully-equipped with advanced medical and surgical facilities... read more

Hua Hin International Polyclinic

As the name suggests, this medical facilities is able to provide good and efficient medical care for non-serious ailments..... read more

Hua Hin Red Cross

Staffed by doctors and nurses from Petcharat Hospital in Petchaburi, Hua Hin International Polyclinic?s standard..... read more

Skin Treatment & Cosmetic Surgery Hua Hin

Although Bangkok Hospital and San Paolo Hospital provide cosmetic surgery procedures and skin treatment, there are a couple ..... read more