Oestrogen Hormone


Tarting with an introduction, the oestrogen hormone is mainly produced from the ovaries, with small amounts from fat tissues, and it helps to turn a girl into a woman. For example in menstrual cycles, where it helps the uterus to grow while enhancing and maintaining the mucous membrane so that women can have a baby.

Oestrogen has roles in other bodily systems as well, including the bones, blood vessels, heart, and the brain. Its primary function is to help develop and maintain both the reproductive system and female characteristics, such as breasts, endometrium, menstrual cycles, and height during the puberty period. Additionally, oestrogen has other functions including:

• Acceleratinng metabolism
• Reduce bone resorption, increase bone formation
• Increase plasma fibrinogen and the activity of coagulation factors, especially factors II, VII, IX, X and plasminogen
• Increase platelet adhesiveness and decrease antithrombin III, which is a protein that inactivates thrombin
• Increase HDL-Cholesterol, triglyceride, and decrease LDL-Cholesterol, fat deposition
• Produce sodium that helps with water retention and promotes lung functions

As you can see, Ohas many benefits, but as oestrogen is so important for balancing, enhancing, and developing bodily functions, what happen if we have low oestrogen levels? It controls women’s reproductive system, as well as the development of female characteristics while having effects on emotions, hence, having low or high oestrogen will impact our health.

The symptoms could be insomnia, feeing anxious, being forgetful, menstrual problems, fatigue, gain weight quickly and hard to lose weight, including osteoporotic. These symptoms are caused by having either high or low oestrogen, but we can balance it back to the normal level by making changes in our behaviours and diets.

For example, lower the amount of alcohol intake, opt for fruits and vegetables grown from the natural process, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. However, if your oestrogen is very low, you should consult with a doctor for appropriate treatment, which could be varied depending on the doctor’s discretion for example, oestrogen replacement therapy. We would need to know the exact oestrogen levels in your body before undertaking oestrogen replacement therapy, this information we can gain by doing a blood test.

Therefore, if you have any of the above symptoms, please consult a medical professional to check your oestrogen hormone level. Just in case you don’t know this, both men and women possess the oestrogen hormone, in men it supports the maturation of sperm and stimulates sex drive.
